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FCJC is a Christian Community in fraternal (Allied/Federated) relationship with sister communities nationwide and around the world who are autonomous but are subject to the same By-Laws, Rules and Regulations. The ultimate goal of FCJC is to bring families to Christ.

FCJC is a Christian Community that is Catholic, Charismatic, Evangelistic and Family Focused, whose main purposes are:


  • To fulfill the Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ, by promoting His Gospel, by sharing, by propagating and living out the Word of God by any and all means, and in all places;

  • To establish more prayer group communities anywhere in the world as sister communities who will be in fraternal relationship (allied or federated) with one another, and who will develop loving and caring relationships as its priority;

  • To provide Christian formation, teachings, programs, seminars, symposia, retreats, recollections, and make Christian community life available to all, whether married, single individuals, young adults, the youth and young children;

  • To provide the means and the environment to strengthen and form families into Domestic Churches emphasizing the priesthood of the parents as found in Scripture and in the teachings of the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church;

  • To develop and strengthen the relationship and service of FCJC members to their Pastors, Parishes and Church. To make available Catholic Christian Teachings, in coordination with the Magisterium, to the Catholic members, more particularly on the stand of the Roman Catholic Church regarding issues of faith and morals; and

  • To encourage among the Youths and Young Adults vocations into the Religious and Priestly life.


Membership is open to all Christian couples and individuals who subscribe to these purposes, objectives, and ideals of FCJC. Although it is a Catholic Christian Community, FCJC is open to membership by non-Catholic Christians. Non-Catholic members, though remaining faithful to their Church, should respect the principles and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on marriage, human sexuality, and the family.

Essential Elements Of Being A Member of FCJC

By the grace of GOD, I hereby commit to strive to:


  1. Adhere to the teachings of the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.

  2. Have a daily Personal Prayer and Scripture Reading Time.

  3. Receive the Holy Eucharist and spend time before the Blessed Sacrament as frequently as possible.

  4. Go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once every quarter.

  5. If married – Pray with my spouse daily.

  6. Keep holy the Lord’s Day as a family, by going to Mass together or planning some kind of spiritual activity.

  7. Have a weekly husband/wife meeting/dialogue, using a specific format, focusing on our relationship and responsibilities.

  8. Make available to GOD my TIME (priority attendance to General and Household Gatherings and other official FCJC activities).

  9. Make available to GOD my TALENTS (serving in the parish, in the community and in FCJC with my gifts).

  10. Make available to GOD my TREASURE (through tithing and voluntary contributions to my Parish and FCJC)

© 2003 - 2024 Federation of Families in Christ Communities.

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