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FCJC Offers 3 Marriage in Christ Retreat (MCR) For Members ONLY

Marriage in Christ Retreat I 


In response to the need for a better understanding and appreciation of God's plan for marriage and family life, the Marriage in Christ Retreat was evolved and is now made part of the program of Families in Christ Jesus Community. For married couples to discover more clearly and intimately God's plan, there is a need to spend time in an atmosphere where God's word can be studied, understood and meditated on; where they can have an opportunity to come before the Lord and present themselves as a living oblation. A time is needed where married couples can take stock and assess themselves, their relationships, their family life and their roles within the context of God's plan. Married couples need time to know God's vision and take practical steps in order to attain the goal God calls them to.


Marriage in Christ Retreat II

is part of the forma­tion program available in FCJC. It is available to all married member‑couples starting from their second year in FCJC. It is an optional program for the general membership but is required for all servant leaders.  The content of MCR-2 does not duplicate what has already been given in the first MCR. However, a lot of principles and points would inevitably be touched upon again.


Marriage in Christ Retreat III

is part of the forma­tion program available in FCJC. It is available to all married member‑couples starting from their second year in FCJC. It is an optional program for the general membership but is required for all servant leaders.  The content of MCR-3 does not duplicate what has already been given in the MCR-1 and MCR-2. However, a lot of principles and points would inevitably be touched upon again.



In order to respond to the need of knowing God's vision and to be able to take practical steps to move forward towards God's call, this retreat is structured as follows:


PHASE I UNDERSTANDING GOD'S CALL - This phase focuses in elucidating God's call for married couples and as a result enables them to formulate in more concrete terms the direction God is calling them to.


PHASE II LEARNING TO LIVE GOD'S CALL EFFECTIVELY - This phase of the program presents to married couples in a more direct and specific way how they can live and enjoy more fully God's call. These couples will also be able to examine themselves and identify areas where they will need to have specific improvements and/or changes on.


PHASE III PLANNING TO LIVE GOD'S CALL MORE EFFECTIVELY - This phase of the program shows and encourages the participants to establish specific action/pastoral plans which will translate in concrete terms the changes/improvements they will need to work on after the retreat in order to truly live out God's call to the fullest.




1. PRAYER-Being a retreat, the schedule provides adequate time for both common and personal prayer. The retreat is structured in such a way that every activity is Christ centered. Prayer is an effective way of discovering God's call and responding to that call with faith and humility.


2. TEACHINGS–The retreat provides a series of talks focused on examining important areas of Christian marriage and family life. The talks will not only present teachings from the Bible and from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but practical guidelines will also be provided by experienced couple speakers.


3. â€‹ â€‹COUPLE DIALOGUE -After each talk is presented, the husband and wife will meet exclusively with one another in order to dialogue and pray about specific aspects of their marriage and family life which they will need to work on.


4. ACTION/PASTORAL PLANNING -Towards the end of the retreat, the husband and wife will meet exclusively to formulate specific steps (A Pastoral Plan) which they will do in order to put into practice the teachings they have received as well as to resolve issues that hinder their growth in Christian marriage.


5. FELLOWSHIP -As a part of enhancing the relationship of participating couples and promoting wholesome and healthy fun together, the retreat provides couples time for interaction in a program where all couples take part actively.


6. EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION–Holy Mass is celebrated preferably at the end of theretreat or within the retreat. Whenever possible, there will also be a time for Adoration andBenediction. During the mass, the participants as well as members of the service teamrenew their marriage vows and offer to God their Pastoral Plans.




The MARRIAGE IN CHRIST RETREAT is structured in such a way that the participants can listen to practical talks from other more experienced married couples and be able to dialogue about each specific talk as it applies to them as individual married couples. Time for prayer and meditation will also be adequately provided. Sharing among couples is emphasized and encouraged in order to facilitate openness, honesty, sincerity and humility between the two. Towards the end of the retreat, the participants are instructed on how to prepare a pastoral plan which they will pursue and be monitored on after the retreat. At the end of the retreat, all participants who will finish the retreat will make a commitment to live out the FCJC Marriage Covenant.

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